Covington Business Council Blog

Member spotlight: Twin Oaks Golf and Plantation Club

The CBC would like to thank Twin Oaks for their 15 year CBC membership and we are looking forward to our rescheduled golf outing in September 2020.  Like many businesses, Twin Oaks has managed several challenges over the past few months.  Susie Swingos-Hilliard, Vice President and COO of Twin Oaks, provided this encouraging update during this most difficult period.

This has been a very challenging time not just for golf portion of our business but for the banquet, leagues, restaurant, and wedding reception business we have provided for 42 years here in Covington. We never closed our golf course and the response has been nothing short of inspiring. Our regulars supported us, we had many new faces from the surrounding Northern Kentucky area and many came from the closed Cinti courses.  We appreciate all their support.

As with many other area restaurants and banquet facilities, we were asked to close our doors except for carry out on the golf course. 

The golf business was very good as many other area courses closed their doors or would not allow golf carts on their courses. We had brainstorming meetings and came up with ways to overcome the obstacles that this virus presented while following the proper State of KY Guidelines.  We were in  constant contact with The NKY Board of Health, The KY ABC Office, The KY Golf Association and followed daily CDC updates per the Governors Office.

The amazing staff here stepped up to the plate and we can not be more proud of their efforts.  We brought in extra staff to sanitize each cart before and after use, rented 30 extra golf carts (we now have 110) to insure only person could ride in a cart to obtain proper social distancing, we raised our pin cups out of the ground so no one had to touch the flags.  Our starters maintained control of the tee boxes at correct player distancing. Our greatest asset here is our loyal, hardworking staff. Without them, our business would not be as successful and long running as it has become. 

In our building, we lined our carryout and pro shop counters with clear Plexiglas to protect the staff and customers, gloves are mandatory at all times by all staff.  We removed all chairs and tables from the outside areas.  We propped open doors to eliminate touching, we sanitized all hard surfaces constantly, hand sanitizer everywhere, we have red X’s on the floors to mark 6 foot social distance rules, The tables  will be added back this Friday May 22 per The Governors Guidelines of outdoor restaurant protocol.  We have had to move may of them to other outside areas to allow for the social distancing 6 foot rule.  Lucky for us we have over 150 acres of land.

Our restaurant and outdoor dining will resume this Friday.  We are not allowed to have any golf outings, wedding receptions or any gathering over 10 people until a date in July yet to be determined by the Governor. So far, we have had to reschedule 48 golf events, 10 wedding receptions, numerous banquets and many leagues postponed their starting dates by weeks.  We will only do dining by reservation as to control the seats. All bar stools have been removed per guidelines.

Many of the golf outings have rescheduled for the Fall.  Unfortunately,  our deepest sadness goes to the brides who have had their receptions scheduled here for years.  Some have moved to next year, some later this year and some have had to cancel for a variety of reasons including one  military deployment. That one probably effected us the most. We wanted their special day to be memorable before he was assigned.  Unfortunately, this crisis prevented us from making their dream wedding a reality.

The NKY Chamber has helped us greatly with answering questions and keeping us updated with daily email’s.  They are a great source of information. When they did not know the answer to my question, they went to someone who did have the information on my behalf.

As to what can people do for the area businesses such as ours….Continue to support them, tip the staff when deemed appropriate, go out to eat when you feel comfortable doing so, get your car washed, your nails done, donate to your local food pantry and by all means PLAY GOLF! 

Many area businesses will not survive this uncertain time.  Many from no fault of their own, but uncertainty can not pay their bills or make their payroll. Only the generous people of NKY can save our businesses and their staff.

Let’s set an example for generations to come on how to support each other when times are tough…We can become the “Second Greatest Generation!”

With a member-centric focus, the Covington Business Council provides access and connections to the dynamic growth of Covington, Kentucky by fostering a culture that promotes one-on-one attention. CBC delivers an experience that is personal and focused on the success of its members. Covington Business Council provides educational programming, impactful assistance and meaningful opportunities for its members to advance their business and professional growth.
© 2024 Covington Business Council. All rights reserved.

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